Star wars admiral daala
Star wars admiral daala

star wars admiral daala

Natasi Daala je fiktivní postavou z univerzia Star Wars, jednou z hlavních postav v knižní sérii Akademie Jedi.Jako první a jediná žena dosáhla hodnosti admirál v Galaktickém Impériu, povýšena byla velkomoffem Tarkinem, který ji následně pověřil strážením stanice Chřtán – shluku černých děr, ve kterém byla ukryta výzkumná stanice Impéria pro superzbraně. You don't have to say she is the worst, but I don't like her because I think she is a rude and strictly unfair Imperial Admiral. Natasi Daala was the first female in the Imperial Navy to obtain the rank of Admiral.

star wars admiral daala

Admiral Natasi Daala had taken many lovers over the years, and been taken on several occasions against her will, but none had been as memorable as one of her first consensual encounters.

Star wars admiral daala