Updated on Augby Ben Baker: Considering the entire game is likely difficult for the average player it’s even more intimidating to face the hardest places of a hard game. Even so, fans are in agreement that for most players and most playstyles these are the hardest zones to survive in.

Related: Dark Souls 3: Where To Find Hollow GemsĪdmittedly some areas are more or less difficult depending on your build. Each had their own unique challenges and lessons they wanted to teach the player, but some were much more trying than others. I have both the remasters on PS4 & have played through about half of Asylum again but idk if I have the patience to play through them both again before playing Knight, so I may jump into it.There were nearly two dozen areas in Dark Souls 3 that the player needed to progress through to complete the main quest and the storylines in the DLCs. Only Arkham Game I've never played after beating both Asylum & City back on PS3. Besides those, I may finally play Arkham Knight. I really would like to play some Resident Evil 2 Remake & maybe finish Leon's campaign, play some more RE7 in VR, maybe play some more Bloodstained, or finally make some progress in SOTN but I'll need a guide for SOTN, I always give up whenever I get stuck or die, then have to start over from scratch.

I've just finished the quest in the garden with Yen and I'm sure I'll stay up until Sunday morning playing. Best deal I've ever gotten in gaming lol. I played a bunch of this on Switch but I picked this up on the PS Store, the complete version for like 8 bucks. So much to do, so much gear to get, and the story is wonderful & engaging. It is SOOOOOOO good and quite fits the Halloween theme. I've been trying to get into the Halloween mood with games this weekend but almost all my gaming time has been devoted to The Witcher 3, all my gaming time period has been with it. I really shouldn't, I can't really afford it with the trip I'm taking to Indianapolis next weekend to see GWAR, Napalm Death, & eyehategod in concert.

I really, REALLY have considered picking up Guardians this weekend.